Example: Paper Review on or

2.4. Example: Paper Review on or #

This can consists of the following steps:

The workflow would typically include the following steps:

  1. Initial Setup: First authors create a Repository for the paper and share it with co-authors (and reviewers).

  2. Writing/Reviewing Process: Co-authors review, contribute to the paper, and provide feedback through issues and pull requests .

  3. Prioritization: Authors prioritize and group the feedback, set a timeline for revisions, create a milestone (e.g., submission), and assign tasks to co-authors.

  4. Response: Authors revise the paper and commit changes to the repository.

  5. Discussion: Co-authors and first authors (and reviewers) discuss the feedback and changes through issues and pull requests.

  6. Finalization: First authors finalize the paper based on the feedback and prepare it for submission.